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Monday, April 26, 2010

Sometimes I want to cry

So at approxamitly 8:30 this morning, after having gotten up every 1.5 hrs through the night, my sweet baby threw up. Thats right. I did everything the Drs have told me to do. I give her meds with almost every feeding. I feed her every 2 hrs. I check her blood sugar as needed. Everything. Not only is she running out of clothes and blankets, I am too! Thankfully this time, she was in her swing, and it didn't get on me. Not that I don't love the smell of regurgitated formula. Its a smell only a mother could love.

Seriously, I am going to try one more "trick" so to speak. We were given some Dr Browns Bottles, that were gently used. Now something I had not thought about is maybe the nipple on the bottle isn't for newborns. We were given a whole bag of them big ones and small ones, so who's to say maybe the nipples didn't get mixed up. My mom is going to burlington today to see if they have newborn nipples. I don't have to use these. I will be looking into other bottles, ones that maybe help with reflux. At this point, I am not even sure if I should call the Dr. Its kind of like old hat to us.

This time was a bit different. We had just finished eating and burping. She looked sleepy and I had dishes to do so I set her in the swing. I came back after about 15 min and there it was. Lying there all over her, her blanket, her socks that had, of course, come off, and over her swing. So, at first I started to cry. Then I picked her up, changed her into one of 2 clean outfits, then went to the laundry room and put all of her clothes in the washing machine into the dryer. So that if it happens again in 30 min, I will at least not have to have a naked baby.

So, not only did she throw up this morning, but I am afraid my dishwasher is on the fritz. I have run the same load, moving thigns around 3 times now and they are still dirty. Lovely.

My goodness do I love her. I think that is why I get so upset when this happens.. I want to see her smiling with her milk moustache that she always seems to have. I want to see her with her tongue sticking out with probably days worth of formula on her tongue that I can't get off. Lastly, I know that if I don't feed her every thirty min. now, she could possibly have to go back where she will be poked and prodded. Uhgg. Sometimes I do want to cry.


  1. And I misspelled approximately. Woo Hoo!

  2. Big hugs to you. Just keep telling yourself that it won't be like this forever. You'd be surprised how much you can get through when you remember that it's only temporary. Can she take any kind of medicines like Zantak? I don't know anything about LCHAD. Is her formula free of lactose? Does it have broken down proteins? I know you said she's on some special stuff. I'm so curious about her condition. Can you write a post explaining it in more detail?

  3. Hello Apples and Autobots!!

    I am not sure about Zantak. I asked her Ped if Reglan was the best med and he basically wanted to give it some time. I looked on the can of Portagen, and it doesn't say broken down proteins, but then again I'm not too sure what that means, but I don't think so. Anyways, thanks for listening!! I hope I answered your questions!

  4. Vomiting is fairly common in with LCHAD. Lauren threw up EVERY bottle(which of course is very frustrating when your child has to eat round the clock). We tried Reglan and Zantac. The only thing that helped Lauren was a medicine called Zegerid. It was a new medicine when we tried it and was orginially made for kids with gtubes. She had a gtube placed at 10 months old. We love it. It doesn't always keep her out of the hospital but it has helped.
